
Thursday 8th November 2012

Here are the warm up drawings we did at the beginning of Illustration. Unfortunately I missed a day on Tuesday as I was at an open day, but I managed to do the whole bird project. We went around the room drawing the stuffed birds into our sketchbooks using felt pens and pencil. The bottom drawing is brown and black ink.

These images are all on A1 paper apart from the brown paper one which is A2.
I very much enjoyed this part of the project because of how messy it was (must remember to bring old clothes next time though...) and how freely we moved from piece to piece. All but the brown paper one, which was done on an eisel, were done on the floor with a paintbrush attached to a stick or just the stick itself with brown, black and/or blue ink.

 After we picked which drawings we liked least, we made a 3-D model of the bird we had chosen and covered it in a collage of the drawings. These are the pictures of my finished model based on the toucan. I was very pleased with how it turned out.

Friday 9th November 2012

(I'm sorry that some of the image is missing. It was corrupt and I couldn't retake it as it corrupted after I continued! Most of the image, thankfully, is at the top.)

After we all created our bird models, we drew from them and every now and again, to get a different object, we would swap eisels and draw someone elses bird. The top is based on my own toucan, the middle based on my friend's chicken and the bottom based on a classmate's owl. I very much enjoyed the different techniques that we used, for example, the chicken was made by blocking out the shape of the model with masking tape and filling in the shapes in the background using neutral shoe polish. We then sprayed the page with brown, watered-down ink, waited for it to dry while doing a different one, came back to it, pulled the masking tape off gently then filled in some of it in a colour that is on the model (I chose black), then redrew the model with corrections in graphite stick so we didn't just follow the white outline.
I think it looks pretty good and I am pleased. It was a fun process that I am willing to try again.

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